To assist this process, Ayurveda recommends seasonal cleansing to rid the body of physical and emotional toxins, allowing for growth and renewal of our cells (and thoughts and emotions!). Note that ayurveda seasonal cleansing has nothing to do with mass marketed “juice fasts” or their variations. Rather, an ayurveda cleanse is a comprehensive, custom-designed program that is tailored to the individual’s unique dosha and current state of physical and emotional balance.
The late Kailas, a certified ayurveda therapist offered this beautiful description of ayurveda’s view on cleansing: “Cleansing should be thought of as a ‘full spectrum’ process. There is no point in cleansing one’s organs if one does not cleanse the mind and the heart. The spiritual message of Ayurveda is that the heart is naturally pure and clear, and the mind is naturally free. When we cleanse the organs and the tissues…we should always consider cleansing the mind as well.” When the body, mind and spirit are in harmony, we look and feel younger, more vibrant and happier.